florida gingersnaps, one week on

Ponder and Greebo.

The Florida Gingersnaps, Greebo and Ponder, have not only managed to survive their transplant from Gainesville to Orlando, but are thriving, having put on at least a pound since coming to live at Casa Beebe. I've kept them in a single large bedroom with their own three-level cat tree, plenty of soft towels, toys, food and fresh water. I spend as much time with them as possible, sleeping with them every night. Or, I spend the night in the same room with them. The sleeping part is optional.

At night they love to go zooming around the room, using me as a trampoline as they bounce from the floor to the bed, onto me, to the bedside table, the dresser, then over to the cat tree, then down to the floor and under the furniture, then back up onto the bed. When they get tired they snuggle up next to me to get their second and third wind, then start it all up again.

Ponder's pondering.
Ponder and Greebo.

Starting this weekend we begin to introduce the Gingersnaps to the rest of the four-footed household. I have a very large cat cage on coasters that I can roll around the house with them inside. It has three interior levels with ramps so that they can move around. This weekend will prove to be interesting.


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